
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas, Baby!

I hope you've got presents waiting for you under the tree, extra sprinkles on your cookies, extra marshmallows for your hot chocolate, a fresh snow waiting to help launch you and your sled down that hill, and Snowed In cued up in the CD player!

This year, I'm re-gifting.  Hanson gave us the gift of a Christmas Live Stream last year.  But that doesn't mean we can't re-live it this year!  Here are a couple highlights.


Saturday, December 24, 2011

[Flashback] Hanson Christmas Special... 1997 Style!

Remember the '90s?  Remember TGIF?  Remember when Hanson had their very own Christmas special in support of their MONSTERLY AMAZING Christmas album Snowed In on ABC as part of TGIF?  (I know.  I just blew your mind.  Take a breath.  It'll be okay.)

Well, thanks to the advent of the Internet and the endless web of videos (both original AND copywrited material) on YouTube, I give you:

Hanson's ABC Christmas special from 1997!!!!!!

Merry Christmas Eve, my fellow Fansons.  Tomorrow's blog post?  Fast forward to Hanson's 2010 Christmas special.  Which was, like, infinitely better if that's even possible.  (You did notice Zac's plaid pants, right?  Pretty tough to beat.)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Operation "Hanson at My Wedding" in FULL FORCE!

This week, I'm breaking from the traditional "HEY! Face" format to shine light on the "Hanson at my Wedding" boys.  If you're unfamiliar, GET FAMILIAR.

Here's the deal: 

Next July, James Bishop is getting married.  His dream wedding gift?  For Hanson to play at his wedding.  So every single day up until he ties the knot, he and his friend Douch are posting videos asking Hanson to do just that.  And recently, the blokes encountered Hanson while on tour in the U.K.  

Watch part one of their tour diary below!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Did You Get Your Ugly Christmas Sweaters On Sale During Black Friday??

Photos from
I don't even think I need to say anything.  These pictures say it all.

...However, Hanson did just release a Christmas mug/card/song bundle on their website...